Understanding that our seventh grade students experience many demands during this critical school year, we believe in balancing high expectations with social and emotional support. We challenge our students with standards based, relevant activities and projects within a nurturing, student-centered environment.
Instructional Approach
Inquire. Investigate. Reflect. Redirect. We may be departmentalized between four stand-alone areas, but we are very much a team and believe all students belong to all of us. We are always looking for ways to connect and integrate our lessons across all subject areas. We build in student choice and ownership as much as possible, with the goal of increasing student responsibility for learning. We’re implementing a workshop approach this year in which students will be given a lot of choice while we can differentiate for individual students to meet their needs.
ELA - Units of Study
Q1: Word Study & Genre Study
Q2: Narrative Elements
Q3: Figurative Language/Poetry
Q4: Expository Texts
Math - Scope and Sequence
1. Shapes and Designs
2. Accentuate the Negative
3. Stretching and Shrinking
4. Comparing and Scaling
5. Moving Straight Ahead
6. What Do You Expect
7. Filling and Wrapping
8. Samples and Populations
Science - Life Science Themes and Topics
I. Structure/Function/Living Things
II. Growth/Development/Reproduction
III. Matter/Energy and Ecosystems
IV. Natural Selection/Adaptations
V. Caring About Each Other and our Earth
Social Studies - US History Focus
Community Building and Identities of Country and Self
Native American Identities: Woven Across Time
Competing for Land, Control, and Liberty
Setting Up Systems of Power
The Fight to End Slavery
Resisting, Reforming, Re-imagining
Expansion and Influence: By What Right?
Global Connections
General Schedule
Instruction begins promptly at 8:00. Students will have a departmentalized schedule. Each student will have a workshop period in which they will explore differentiated, student selected content. Recess and Lunch are from 12:15-1:15.
Grade Level Announcements
Field trips will occur 3-4 times over the course of the school year. Please let your child’s homeroom teacher know if you are available to chaperone! Each night, students should read for at least 30 minutes. Your child also has an IXL account and can practice Reading and Math skills from home or school.