Gifted Program
Our gifted program provides a challenging, accelerated program of study for the top tier of students in our school. Bateman’s Comprehensive Gifted Program maintains a high-quality curriculum that emphasizes rigor and complexity while nurturing the potential and diverse talents of students from all backgrounds and socioeconomic groups in our community.
Identification Process
The selection process for the CGP at Bateman School includes evaluating criteria from the following areas: school ability index score, standardized assessments in reading and math, and teacher judgment. These identifying criteria provide a well-rounded snapshot of student ability.
Entrance Procedures
To enter the CGP, the identification process is applied to each child. Upon review from the school’s gifted committee and approval from the principal, parents receive written notification of their child’s invitation to participate in the CGP. New or transferring students will be reviewed on an individual basis and selection is determined by space. If a student is transferring into Bateman and has been in another CPS gifted classroom, they will be accepted into the program upon receipt of their files from the sending school.
Gifted Teachers First – Fifth Grades
Middle School
Identification Process
The selection process for the CGP at Bateman School includes evaluating criteria from the following areas: school ability index score, standardized assessments in reading and math, and teacher judgment. These identifying criteria provide a well-rounded snapshot of student ability.
Entrance Procedures
To enter the CGP, the identification process is applied to each child. Upon review from the school’s gifted committee and approval from the principal, parents receive written notification of their child’s invitation to participate in the CGP. New or transferring students will be reviewed on an individual basis and selection is determined by space. If a student is transferring into Bateman and has been in another CPS gifted classroom, they will be accepted into the program upon receipt of their files from the sending school.
Gifted Teachers First – Fifth Grades
- Priscilla Rowe—1st grade
- Linda Koehler—2nd grade and gifted coordinator
- Nancy Solayman—3rd grade
- Rebecca Hurst—4th grade
- Natalie Vigilante-Fadden—5th grade
Middle School
- Vicente Lopez
- Mary Tripp
- Peggy Butler