Physical and Health Education
Welcome to our Physical Education and Health website! Mr. Valencia (K-4) and Mr. Nowak (5-8) will be teaching both PE and Health to our Bateman students this school year.
Mr. [email protected]
Mr. [email protected]
Physical Education
Students participate in a wide variety of activities during PE classes in order to learn and practice skills associated with different units of instruction throughout the year. Each unit lasts approximately 5 weeks, and the skills and activities are aligned with ISBE and NASPE standards for Physical Education. These units include: soccer, floor hockey, basketball, throwing and catching, kicking and punting, volleyball, fitness, track and field, and softball. Additional activities, such as team handball, are incorporated as they align with skill instruction during the units. Students develop and refine motor skills, build strength and endurance, learn team building and social skills, and learn the value of being physically active for life, not just during PE class.
A day in PE class begins with Mr. Valencia and Mr. Nowak welcoming students at the entrance to the gymnasium. From there, the students go to their half of the gym. Mr. Valencia teaches on one half of the gym, while Mr. Nowak teaches on the other half. Students begin with walking and running to warm-up their bodies for exercise. This is followed by the students leading exercises and stretching. From there, the students review the content and language objectives that are posted on the white board. We discuss these objectives in detail and review what the lesson will look like. Students then complete skill practice activities and followed by small group or large group games. During the last few minutes of class, the students and teacher review the day, discuss the key concepts that were learned, and answer closing assessment questions. Students are then dismissed to their next class.
Mr. [email protected]
Mr. [email protected]
Physical Education
Students participate in a wide variety of activities during PE classes in order to learn and practice skills associated with different units of instruction throughout the year. Each unit lasts approximately 5 weeks, and the skills and activities are aligned with ISBE and NASPE standards for Physical Education. These units include: soccer, floor hockey, basketball, throwing and catching, kicking and punting, volleyball, fitness, track and field, and softball. Additional activities, such as team handball, are incorporated as they align with skill instruction during the units. Students develop and refine motor skills, build strength and endurance, learn team building and social skills, and learn the value of being physically active for life, not just during PE class.
A day in PE class begins with Mr. Valencia and Mr. Nowak welcoming students at the entrance to the gymnasium. From there, the students go to their half of the gym. Mr. Valencia teaches on one half of the gym, while Mr. Nowak teaches on the other half. Students begin with walking and running to warm-up their bodies for exercise. This is followed by the students leading exercises and stretching. From there, the students review the content and language objectives that are posted on the white board. We discuss these objectives in detail and review what the lesson will look like. Students then complete skill practice activities and followed by small group or large group games. During the last few minutes of class, the students and teacher review the day, discuss the key concepts that were learned, and answer closing assessment questions. Students are then dismissed to their next class.
Health Education
Students learn about their bodies and what they need to do on a daily basis to maintain optimal health. Similar to Physical Education, Health units last approximately 5 weeks. All content and activities are age and developmentally appropriate for our students, and are aligned with the National Health Education Standards. Units of instruction include bullying and bullying prevention, self-esteem and body image, character education and social-emotional learning, personal hygiene, nutrition education, sexual health education, and body systems.
Students learn about their bodies and what they need to do on a daily basis to maintain optimal health. Similar to Physical Education, Health units last approximately 5 weeks. All content and activities are age and developmentally appropriate for our students, and are aligned with the National Health Education Standards. Units of instruction include bullying and bullying prevention, self-esteem and body image, character education and social-emotional learning, personal hygiene, nutrition education, sexual health education, and body systems.
All grades from Kindergarten through 8th grade will complete the Sexual Health Education Unit. This unit of instruction is mandated in the State of Illinois and in CPS. A list of topics will be sent home with the students. All topics are specific to each grade level and are age and developmentally appropriate. Sexual Health Education generally takes place during the 3rd and 4th Quarters.
Private vs. Public Activities (bathing, dressing vs. playing sports/tag games)
Good Touching vs. Bad Touching
Good Secrets vs. Bad Secrets
Being Smart about Strangers
1st Grade
Families and Family Structure
Bullying and Bullying Prevention
2nd Grade
Body part vocabulary
Frog life cycle: All living things reproduce
Keeping the body healthy from germs
3rd Grade
Respect for Self and Others
Building Relationships
4th Grade
What is puberty?
Germs and the Immune System
5th Grade
Adolescent Hygiene
Self-Esteem and Body Image
Human Reproduction
Abstinence and Contraceptives
Gender and Identity
Personal safety and Abuse
Resources for Help (police, fire, public health, etc.)
6th Grade
Human Reproduction
Pregnancy and Birth
STI's and HIV Prevention
Making Good Decisions
Refusal Skills
Sexual Health Resources
7th Grade 8th Grade
Adolescent Development Relationships
Self-Esteem and Body Image Gender Expression and Identity
Decision Making Skills STI and Pregnancy Prevention
Healthy Relationships Cyber Bullying
Influences Dating Violence
Communication Technology and Relationships
Contraceptives Exploring Abstinence
Please see the information below for our weekly grading system (skill assessments are scored separately).
(A maximum of 10 points can be earned by students in each category during every week of the school year)
10/A-Actively participates in all activities with maximum effort; follows rules and classroom guidelines on a daily basis; meets and exceeds daily class objectives
8/B- Actively participates with a high level of effort; follows rules and classroom guidelines while participating safely; meets daily class objectives
7/C- Actively participates most of the time; average level of effort during class activities; attempts but does not meet daily objectives
6/D- Minimal participation in some aspects of class activities; is lax in following rules and guidelines; does not meet most objectives
5/F- Does not participate in any class activities; does not follow rules, guidelines, or safety instructions; does not meet any objectives
10/A-Demonstrates respect for self, others, property/equipment, and the teacher to the highest degree; follows classroom expectations on a daily basis; does not disrupt the class in any way
8/B- Demonstrates respect for self, others, property/equipment, and the teacher to a high degree; follows classroom expectations; does not cause classroom disruptions
7/C- Usually demonstrates respect for self, others, property/equipment, and the teacher; usually follows classroom expectations; causes minimal classroom disruptions
6/D- Does not regularly demonstrate respect for self, others, property/equipment, and the teacher; does not regularly follow classroom expectations; disrupts the class
5/F- Does not demonstrate respect for self, others, property/equipment, or the teacher; does not follow classroom expectations; consistently disrupts the class
Students should be dressed in appropriate clothing for physical activity. Gym shoes are necessary for PE class activities. Students may bring a clear water bottle with only plain water inside the bottle. No other beverages are allowed. See our wellness policies for more information.
Reglas de la Clase de Educacion Fisica de Bateman
(Los estudiantes pueden ganar un maximo do 10 puntos in cada categoria durante cada semana.)
10/A-Participa activamente en todas las actividades de la clase se esfuerza a lo maximo; sigue las reglas y normas de conducta del salon de clase; reune y exceed los objectivos diarios de la clase.
8/B-Participa activamente con el mayor esfuerzo; sigue las reglas y normas de conducta de la clase; mientras participa con seguridad; reune los objectivos diarios de la clase.
7/C-Participa activamente la mayor parte del tiempo; con un esfuerzo de termino medio durante las actividades de la clase; intent pero no alcanza la mayoria de los objectivos diarios de la clase.
6/D-Tiene una participacion minima en varios aspectos de las actividades de la clase; muy flojo para seguir las reglas y normas de conducta; no consigue los objectivos de la clase.
5/F-No participa en ninguna actividades de la clase; no sigue las reglas y normas de conducta o las instrucciones de seguridad; no consigue ninguno de los objectivos.
10/A-Demuestra respeto para si mismo, otros, propiedad, equipo, y al maestro al maximo; sigue diariamente las expectaciones de la clase; no interrumpe de ninguna manera.
8/B-Demuestra respeto para si mismo, otros, propiedad, equipo, y al maestro a lo maximo; sigue las expectaciones de la clase; no causa interrupciones.
7/C-Usualmente demuestra respeto para si mismo, otros, propiedad, equipo, y al maestro; usualmente sugue las expectaciones del salon de clasa; causa interrupciones minimas en la clase.
6/D-Regularmente no demuestra respeto por si mismo, otros, propiedad, equipo, y el maestro; no sigue las expectaciones de la clase; interrumpe la clase.
5/F-No demuestra respeto por si mismo, otros, propiedad, equipo, o el maestro; no sigue las expectaciones de la clase; interrumpe la clase constantemente.
Preparacion para la Clase
Los estudiantes deben vestirse con ropa adecuada para la actividad física. Los zapatos de gimnasia son necesarios para las actividades de clase de educación física. Los estudiantes pueden traer una botella de agua transparente con solo agua dentro de la botella. No se permiten otras bebidas. Consulte nuestras políticas de bienestar para obtener más información.
(A maximum of 10 points can be earned by students in each category during every week of the school year)
10/A-Actively participates in all activities with maximum effort; follows rules and classroom guidelines on a daily basis; meets and exceeds daily class objectives
8/B- Actively participates with a high level of effort; follows rules and classroom guidelines while participating safely; meets daily class objectives
7/C- Actively participates most of the time; average level of effort during class activities; attempts but does not meet daily objectives
6/D- Minimal participation in some aspects of class activities; is lax in following rules and guidelines; does not meet most objectives
5/F- Does not participate in any class activities; does not follow rules, guidelines, or safety instructions; does not meet any objectives
10/A-Demonstrates respect for self, others, property/equipment, and the teacher to the highest degree; follows classroom expectations on a daily basis; does not disrupt the class in any way
8/B- Demonstrates respect for self, others, property/equipment, and the teacher to a high degree; follows classroom expectations; does not cause classroom disruptions
7/C- Usually demonstrates respect for self, others, property/equipment, and the teacher; usually follows classroom expectations; causes minimal classroom disruptions
6/D- Does not regularly demonstrate respect for self, others, property/equipment, and the teacher; does not regularly follow classroom expectations; disrupts the class
5/F- Does not demonstrate respect for self, others, property/equipment, or the teacher; does not follow classroom expectations; consistently disrupts the class
Students should be dressed in appropriate clothing for physical activity. Gym shoes are necessary for PE class activities. Students may bring a clear water bottle with only plain water inside the bottle. No other beverages are allowed. See our wellness policies for more information.
Reglas de la Clase de Educacion Fisica de Bateman
(Los estudiantes pueden ganar un maximo do 10 puntos in cada categoria durante cada semana.)
10/A-Participa activamente en todas las actividades de la clase se esfuerza a lo maximo; sigue las reglas y normas de conducta del salon de clase; reune y exceed los objectivos diarios de la clase.
8/B-Participa activamente con el mayor esfuerzo; sigue las reglas y normas de conducta de la clase; mientras participa con seguridad; reune los objectivos diarios de la clase.
7/C-Participa activamente la mayor parte del tiempo; con un esfuerzo de termino medio durante las actividades de la clase; intent pero no alcanza la mayoria de los objectivos diarios de la clase.
6/D-Tiene una participacion minima en varios aspectos de las actividades de la clase; muy flojo para seguir las reglas y normas de conducta; no consigue los objectivos de la clase.
5/F-No participa en ninguna actividades de la clase; no sigue las reglas y normas de conducta o las instrucciones de seguridad; no consigue ninguno de los objectivos.
10/A-Demuestra respeto para si mismo, otros, propiedad, equipo, y al maestro al maximo; sigue diariamente las expectaciones de la clase; no interrumpe de ninguna manera.
8/B-Demuestra respeto para si mismo, otros, propiedad, equipo, y al maestro a lo maximo; sigue las expectaciones de la clase; no causa interrupciones.
7/C-Usualmente demuestra respeto para si mismo, otros, propiedad, equipo, y al maestro; usualmente sugue las expectaciones del salon de clasa; causa interrupciones minimas en la clase.
6/D-Regularmente no demuestra respeto por si mismo, otros, propiedad, equipo, y el maestro; no sigue las expectaciones de la clase; interrumpe la clase.
5/F-No demuestra respeto por si mismo, otros, propiedad, equipo, o el maestro; no sigue las expectaciones de la clase; interrumpe la clase constantemente.
Preparacion para la Clase
Los estudiantes deben vestirse con ropa adecuada para la actividad física. Los zapatos de gimnasia son necesarios para las actividades de clase de educación física. Los estudiantes pueden traer una botella de agua transparente con solo agua dentro de la botella. No se permiten otras bebidas. Consulte nuestras políticas de bienestar para obtener más información.
Please see the documents below for information regarding skill-specific rubrics that are used at Bateman for PE.
pesyllabus.doc volleyball_post_rubric.docx pe_participation_rubric.jpg perubric.docx soccerrubric.docx kickingpuntingdribblingrubric.docx basketballrubric.docx |