The Bateman Local School Council (LSC) supports our school by making decisions that affect our children, their education, and the environment of the school. The primary responsibility of the LSC is to select the school’s principal, renew the principal’s contract, approve the Continuous Improvement Work Plan (CIWP) and approve the school’s budget for the school year. El Consejo Escolar de Bateman (LSC) apoya a nuestra escuela a tomar decisiones que beneficien a nuestros niños, su educación y el ambiente de la escuela. La responsabilidad primordial del LSC es seleccionar al director de la escuela, renovar su contrato, aprobar el Plan de Trabajo de Mejoramiento Continuo (CIWP) y aprobar el presupuesto del año escolar.
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
Comité Asesor de Padres
The Bateman Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is part of NCLB. The PAC meets the last Friday of each month at 8:30 a.m. and discusses concerns and plans to better serve the needs of students. The PAC presents speakers and workshops for parents and promotes parental involvement. Everyone is welcome to attend. El Comité Asesor de Padres (PAC) es parte de NCLB. El PAC se reúne el último viernes of cada mes a las 8:30 a.m. para hablar de inquietudes y hacer planeación para servir mejor a los estudiantes en sus necesidades. El PAC presenta oradores y talleres para padres con el fin de promover el involucramiento de los mismos. Todas las personas son bienvenidas a participar.
Bateman Boosters
Bateman Boosters (a “friends of” organization) is a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to raise money to support Bateman School. Our organization consists of school families, neighborhood friends and faculty - anyone committed to supporting the efforts to bring extra opportunities to Bateman students. We believe that Bateman is a great school and encourage neighborhood families to attend their neighborhood school. We also encourage neighbors and families to get involved in Bateman’s educational and community programs.
Bilingual Advisory Committee (BAC)
Comité de ConsejoBilingüe
The Illinois School Code establishes the Bilingual Advisory Committee as a standing committee of each Local School Council (LSC) at schools which have bilingual educational programs. As such, the Bilingual Advisory Committee is responsible for advising the principal and the Local School Council regarding the planning, operation, and evaluation of Bilingual Program services. El Código Escolar de Illinois establece el Comité de Consejo Bilingüe como un comité permanente de cada Concilio Escolar Local (LSC) en aquellas escuelas que tienen programas de educación bilingüe. El Comité de Consejo Bilingüe es responsable de asesorar al director y al Concilio Escolar Local respecto a la planeación, operación y evaluación de los servicios del Programa Bilingüe.