What a wonderful graduation ceremony! Congratulations to all Bateman Graduates! We wish you the best everywhere you go! #batemangrad2017
Bateman Students participated in a Jump-a-thon all week to help fundraise for the American Heart Association.
What a great turn out! Bateman's annual Father Daughter Dance was epic! We want to thank everyone who helped make this event possible.
Thank you to all of the teachers and parents for helping us celebrate the 100th day of school with our Kindergarteners and First graders. There was a lot of creativity going on!
Bateman's Parent Teacher Association, (PTA) organized a special breakfast for all volunteers that help make Bateman a great neighborhood school. Principal Davos thanked all volunteers with a kind speech reminding volunteers how special they are to Bateman. We also had the Bateman choir sing two numbers for our volunteers. In appreciation for our volunteers, we put together a short slide-show highlighting all volunteers hard at work. Thank you PTA! And thank you all who volunteer and commit to making Bateman a great school! Bateman School celebrated P.B.I.S (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) in a tremendous fashion. There were visits from Super Heroes known world wide. Including our very own Super Hero, Mr. Blaze Man. Bateman students showed the entire school how to follow the blaze ways, while chanting "Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful!". Bateman students truly demonstrated that each student is a super hero when following the blaze ways!