Student Council
Teacher Liaison: Natalie Vigilante
Grades: 5th - 8th
Bateman's student council is an extracurricular activity used to help voice students' ideas, interests, and concerns with teachers and administration. Student council also helps raise funds for school-wide activities and community projects. The council provides a form to enhance student participation in the life of Bateman School.
How Are Students Selected:
All middle school students are invited to run for student council. The student council consists of one democratically elected party. A party is made up of a President (8th grader), Vice President (8th grader), Secretary (7th grader), and Treasurer (6th grader). Parties are responsible for creating a name and slogan. In addition, two fifth grade Ambassadors will be member of the council but elected separately from the main party.
What do Students Gain by Being a Part of Student Council:
Being a part of student council gives students the opportunity to gain many academic and real life skills. Students will gain leadership skills, team building skills, prioritizing skills, confidence building skills, and the chance to make a difference.