The Bateman Spring Musical is going to be on Thursday, May 3rd. Come see this wonderful performance by our very own Bateman students.
Bateman Pre-School had their Annual Movie Drive-In for Week of the Young Child Celebration. Preschoolers brought their decked out cars and trucks while they enjoyed snacks and movie. Bateman students love to read! The CPS Department of Literacy: Libraries has designated Bateman's school library as one of the 50 highest circulating school Libraries in CPS. Part of this honor includes receiving the trilogy set of the "MARCH" graphic novels which chronicles the life of Civil Rights activist and congressperson John Lewis for our school library. #BeBateman
The Bateman Spring Musical is going to be on Thursday, May 3rd. Please mark your calendar for this wonderful performance from our Bateman students.
On the weekend of April 6-8, one of the Bateman chess players had an incredible weekend! 8th grader Layla Rodriguez played in her final Jr. High National Championship as a Bateman player. In three days of intense competition, Layla did not lose a game in seven rounds, with a score of 5.5 and finishing in 7th place in her section, out of 162 players from across the country.
Mr. Geisler even had time to squeeze in a few rounds in the Friends and Family side tournament on Saturday. They combined his score with Layla’s and together they claimed the 1st place prize in the Coach/Player section! Bateman is very proud of Layla for her performance at this tournament and for all of the great chess she has played under the Bateman banner over the years. Congratulations Layla! What's Buzzing at Bateman? Check out the Bateman Buzz and see what's going on during the next two weeks!
Tickets for The Spring Fling event are now available online for purchase!
Please join The Bateman Boosters and the Bateman Community for a night out to support the students of Bateman Elementary! Spend an evening with neighbors, parents, and friends, and participate in our third annual silent auction with hundreds of great items to bid on. Entry includes appetizers and drinks. This event is for adults only. Come join us and Eat, Drink and Be Bateman! Grab your tickets today before they sell out! Tickets can be purchased here: Dear Bateman / Cleveland Parents,
On Friday, April 13, 2018, CPS will be closed for a School Improvement Day. NBGC will be open from 8:00am - 6:00pm. Please pre-register your child by Thursday, April 12th, if your child will be in attendance on this day. If you do not pre-register, you will be charged a $10 fee on the day of. Please make sure your child has a lunch for the day. A afternoon snack will be provided. On Wednesday, April 18, 2018, CPS will be closed for a Report Card Pick Up Day. NBGC will be open from 8:00am - 6:00pm. Please pre-register your child by Tuesday, April 17th, if your child will be in attendance on this day. If you do not pre-register, you will be charged a $10 fee on the day of. Please make sure your child has a lunch for the day. A afternoon snack will be provided. |
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January 2025