On Saturday December 2nd the Bateman Father's club is hosting "Saturday Morning Science with Dad" from 10 am to 12 pm at the school, all ages are welcomed! We will be making slime, dropping parachutes from the balcony, and will see who can build the tallest tower out of everyday items. We have 20 slots for dads to sign up and bring their sons and daughters, all materials will be provided.
Please sign up at the Bateman University link on our webpage. Please enter through door 1, Hope to see you there! For any questions please email Alex Fernandez at [email protected]. ¡El sábado 2 de diciembre, el club de padres de Bateman está organizando un "sábado de cienca con papá" por la mañana de 10 hasta las 12/medio día, todos los materiales serán provistos. Por favor, regístrese aqui Bateman University en nuestra página web. Todas las edades son bienvenidas. Haremos slime, lanzaremos paracaídas desde el balcón y veremos quién puede construir la torre más alta con artículos comunes. Tenemos 20 espacios para que los padres se registren y traigan a sus hijos y hijas. ¡Por favor de entrar por la puerta 1, Esperamos verte allí! Para cualquier pregunta, envíe un correo electrónico a Alex Fernandez a [email protected].
NBGC will be CLOSED Wednesday, November 22, 2017 - Saturday, November 25, 2017 for the Holiday.
NBGC will host their Annual Pep Rally on Wednesday and Thanksgiving Classics on Thursday. After-School program will resume on Monday, November 27, 2017. The NBGC Bateman / Cleveland Staff are very grateful to work with your children. We hope you have a fun and safe Holiday Weekend. We want to let all our families know about a free opportunity for your students offered by Swing for Kids. "Harlem Renaissance" is an event that will encompass much of the history and movement based fun that has been presented in other CPS class rooms, and we are excited to invite you to join us.
This is a drop off event (with parent permission slip). Moms, Dads and caregivers can drop students off for the afternoon, where they can get a taste of the excellent arts programming and movement. The elements of the event will include short films and cartoons from the period, craft projects, fun fact history moments, a "vintage" style photo booth where students can dress up with costumes and accessories from the period, and of course, movement based classes, offered in short doses, leading up to an all student inclusive mini performance at the end of the day. The best thing: This is completely free for students with advance online registration. We will be accepting drop in students, based on space availability, and that fee will be $1 for drop ins. Registration is available at bit.ly/SFKHarlem "Harlem Renaissance" will take place Friday November 24, from 1pm-4pm at Lillstreet Loft, 4437 N Ravenswood, just 1/2 block from the Montrose Brown Line stop. Dear Bateman Family,
We are asking for your help. Bateman Elementary School is looking to raise $2,000.00 for our 8th Grade Trip to Washington D.C.! To help accomplish this, we have partnered with Smartcell Fundraising to use their amazing Stocking Stuffer Fundraising Program. From November 18, 2017 through December 31, 2017, shop for awesome Apple-Certified and Android cell phone accessories that can be purchased as wonderful holiday gifts for your friends and family, especially those small stocking stuffers. With everyone now owning a cellphone, the selection of great products from Smartcell will make it easy for you to find something for everyone. In addition to receiving great holiday gifts at great prices, our school will receive 50% of the purchase price. Let me share that with you again: we get 50% of each sale! This program allows us to raise a substantial amount of money for our trip by doing what we all do during the holidays: buying gifts for our friends and family. What could be easier for us! Please go to www.smartcellfundraising.com and enter in our unique Shopping Code: DCTRIP You will be taken to a landing page which provides more information. There is a button on top of the webpage that will translate the entire page into different languages. Please don’t be shy. Share the code with friends and family so that they can also purchase great gifts and help our students at the same time. Please SHARE, SHARE, and SHARE again! We hope you will help us. Every little purchase matters, and the beauty of this program is you get to shop for great gifts for a great purpose. Please contact Mr. McGuire ([email protected]) or Mr. Phelps ([email protected]) with any questions. Happy Holidays! Estimada familia Bateman, Estamos pidiendo tu ayuda. ¡La Escuela Bateman está buscando recaudar $ 2,000.00 para nuestro viaje de 8vo Grado a Washington D.C.! Para ayudar a lograr esto, nos hemos asociado con Smartcell Fundraising para utilizar su increíble programa de recaudación de fondos de regalitos. A partir del 18 de noviembre de 2017 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2017, se podrá comprar accesorios para teléfonos celulares con certificación Apple y Android increíbles que se puedan comprar como maravillosos regalos navideños para sus amigos y familiares. Ahora que todos tienen un teléfono celular, la selección de excelentes productos de Smartcell les facilitará encontrar algo para todos. Además de recibir grandes obsequios navideños a excelentes precios, nuestra escuela recibirá el 50% del precio de compra. Permíteme compartir eso contigo de nuevo: ¡obtenemos el 50% de cada venta! Este programa nos permite recaudar una cantidad sustancial de dinero para nuestro viaje haciendo lo que todos hacemos durante las vacaciones: comprar regalos para nuestros amigos y familiares. ¿Qué podría ser más fácil para nosotros? Vaya a www.smartcellfundraising.com y ingrese nuestro código de compras: DCTRIP. Se le dirigirá a una página de destino que brinda más información. Hay un botón en la parte superior de la página web que traducirá la página completa en diferentes idiomas. Por favor, no seas tímido. Comparta el código con amigos y familiares para que también puedan comprar grandes obsequios y ayudar a nuestros alumnos al mismo tiempo. ¡COMPARTIR, COMPARTIR y COMPARTIR nuevamente! Esperamos que nos ayudes Cada pequeña compra importa, y la belleza de este programa es que puedes comprar grandes regalos para un gran propósito. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el Sr. McGuire ([email protected]) o el Sr. Phelps ([email protected]) si tiene alguna pregunta. ¡Gracias! This is a friendly reminder that our report card pick up day will be on Wednesday, November 15th from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm and then from 3:45 pm until 6:00 pm. This is an invaluable time to connect with your child’s teacher and maintain a strong partnership in supporting your child! Also, please stop by the north foyer to sign up for the parent portal which allows you to check your child’s grades from home or via text. Please take advantage of this wonderful resource. We look forward to seeing you, thank you and have a wonderful night.
Este es un recordatorio amistoso de que nuestro día para recoger calificaciones será el miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 11:00 am a 3:00 pm, y luego de 3:45 pm hasta 6 pm ¡Este es un momento importante para conectarse con el maestro de su hijo o hija y mantener una asociación sólida para apoyar a su hijo o hija! Además, pase por el vestíbulo norte para inscribirse en el portal para padres, que le permite revisar las calificaciones de su hijo o hija desde casa o por mensaje de texto. Por favor, aprovecha este maravilloso recurso. Esperamos verte, gracias y que tengas una noche maravillosa. ![]() I am honored to be nominated as November's Teacher of the Month. I have never wanted to be anything other than a teacher, and it is a privilege to do so at Bateman School. I was inspired to be a teacher by my grandmother and two of my aunts who were teachers, as well as several special teachers that made a difference in my life. I grew up in rural, central Illinois and graduated from both Lincoln Christian College and the University of Illinois in Springfield. I completed my graduate studies in bilingual and bi-cultural education at Chicago State University. This is my 13th year teaching at Bateman Elementary School and my 14th year teaching. I taught in a 3rd grade classroom for 11 years, and this is my 3rd year teaching 1st grade. I love working with English language learners, as well as learning new languages. I speak English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole, and I hope to begin learning French soon! Over the years, it has been my pleasure to coach volleyball and softball, lead the ballroom dance team, and teach in a variety of after school programs. I truly enjoy being a part of the Bateman community. Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, especially my husband and two children, ages 4 years and 20 months. Thanks to our BAC parents who volunteered as judges in our classroom altar contest. It was a tough choice but after tallying up all the points our K-2nd grade winner was room 109 Ms. Daye, 3rd-5th grade winner was room 203 Ms. Nava, and 6th-7th grade winner was room 305 Ms. Steigerwald. For photos of the classroom altars please click on this link.
Literacy Investigation Day was a huge success! Grades Kindergarten through 5th demonstrated their Literacy skills and growth. A big thank you to all the parents that came to see our students!
Thank you to all the parents who came out to support our Costume Parade and Pre-K Fall fest, our students had fun showing off their costumes!
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January 2025