Our 8th grade students spent time researching and creating a Passion Project. The focus of this project was the food served at CPS. Our students met with the Director of CPS Food Services and representatives from Aramark to learn about our school food. Our students were encouraged to reach out into the community and find experts to support their work. Great job students! Yesterday, we had a special visitor coming out to Bateman! A Chef from CPS Food Services prepared healthy meals to students and had conversations with them. Our students were very excited and learn a lot from him. Thank you! Nuestros estudiantes de 8vo grado a traves de investigacion exhaustiva, crearon el proyecto Passion. El enfoque de este proyecto es la comida que se sirve en CPS. Nuestros estudiantes se reunieron con el Director de Servicios de Comida de CPS y representantes de Aramark para aprender acerca de nuestra comida escolar. Nuestros estudiantes fueron exhortados a acercarse a la comunidad y sus expertos para que apoyen su trabajo. Muy buen trabajo, estudiantes! El dia de ayer, tuvimos un visitante muy especial en nuestra escuela! Un Chef de Servicios de Comida de CPS preparo comida saludable para nuestros estudiantes y converso con ellos. Nuestros estudiantes estuvieron muy emocionados y aprendieron mucho de el. Muchas gracias! This week, our wonderful PTA organized a successful Tulip Sale. The beautiful tulips were cut from our Bateman garden. All the donation will go to our amazing Garden Club. Thank you for your support! Esta semana, nuestro fabuloso grupo de padres del PTA organizaron una exitosa venta de tulipanes. Los tulipanes fueron cortados frescos de nuestro jardín de Bateman. Todo lo recaudado será en beneficio a nuestro Club de Jardin. Gracias a todos los que organizaron y apoyaron este evento! Our 2nd graders worked very hard on their spring musical titled "Wing It!". And it became a reality! Many parents accompanied their children yesterday for this amazing performance! This play was about a family of birds, whose babies don't want to learn to fly. Through the musical, the baby birds learn that sometimes it is rewarding to take risks, and that there are many other birds willing to help them out. It was a beautiful and magical event! Thanks for supporting Bateman Fine Arts! Beginning this month, students in grades K-8 will begin instruction in our state and district mandated Sexual Health Education Unit. All instruction is grade and age appropriate, and continues to build upon the lessons of previous school years. A list of topics will be sent home this week. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Nowak (5th-8th) or Mrs. Walsh (K-4th).
This week was amazing! Our 7th graders had the opportunity to use qualitative and quantitative observation skills. Ms. Karavattuveetil organized a in-school field observation activity where students conducted observations and meaningful activities; for instance, describing the position of the sun in the sky, using descriptors such as directions and angles of measurement; also, classifying living things and sketching the current stage of a deciduous tree from spring and eventually into summer. Great job! What a fun day at Bateman School! Our Pre-K students had a Drive-in Movie Day! They created their own cars and "drove" all the way to the auditorium to watch a movie accompanied with healthy snacks. They had a blast!
Que dia tan divertido en nuestra escuela Bateman! Nuestros estudiantes de preescolar tuvieron dia de autocinema! Ellos crearon sus propios carros y "manejaron" hasta el auditorio para ver una pelicula acompañada con aperitivos saludables. Increibles momentos pasaron! Our Report Card Pickup Day was a success! Thank you parents, students, Bateman staff, and community for attending! What a magical night at Bateman Elementary School! We had our Annual Father and Daughter Dance. It was simply spectacular! Fue una noche magica en la escuela Bateman!. Tuvimos nuestro baile anual "Papa e Hija! Fue simplemente espectacular! Today, our students from 6th through 8th grade put their projects on display to showcase their expository writing pieces. Amazing work presented! Great job! Hoy, nuestros estudiantes de 6to a 8vo grado desplegaron sus proyectos para mostrar su piezas de escritura de información. Presentaron trabajos increíbles. Muy bien! |
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January 2025